... creating spaces that calm, nurture, awaken and restore
The home of Forest Bathing in
“The Forest”
Welcome to the home of
Wilde Earth Journeys,
the place to celebrate in, and connect with nature.
Secret Sounds
Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire
The symphony performed in woodlands is much more than you have already heard. Discover the magical hidden sounds of what lies in plain sight.
"A Heart Shaped Land Between Two Rivers" - Dennis Potter
What to Expect from Your Experience
Secret Sounds (Himitsu Oto)
Have you ever wondered what secrets the trees whisper, and the plants sigh? Embark on a unique sensory experience with Wilde Earth Journeys and discover the hidden symphony of nature!
Imagine now ...
Image if you will now, entering into woodland and beyond the symphony of bird song, the rustle of leaves in the breeze and the snap of twigs beneath your feet, there is to the cacophony of tree, fern and flower working feverishly in their individual forms. The sound of each step a beetle makes crashing across the carpet of dried leaves and pine needles. Insects devouring decaying wood, and so much more.
These are the sounds that lay hidden in plain sight.
Not Your Typical Walk
This is not your typical nature walk! Go beyond the visual and immerse yourself in the hidden world of sound. Our immersive guided walks cater to all ages and abilities, offering a fresh perspective on the natural world.
Nature is alive with a constant hum of unseen sounds. We use specialised microphones to amplify the whispers of trees and plants in a breeze, the creaking of branches, and the delicate movement of insects. Gain a deeper appreciation for the complex ecosystem around you.
Ready to unlock the hidden world of sound? Book your guided walk with
Wilde Earth Journeys today! don't miss this extraordinary opportunity.
Explore an Imagined World
Listening to the secret sounds reveals an imagined landscape in which to explore. The possibilities of hidden systems teaming with life and function beyond your sight. There is magic here in which to explore.
Child Like Mind
Wilde Earth Journeys will share with you unique opportunities to listen in to this secret hidden world. Your guide will share their insights and understanding of what is revealed while inviting your curiosity to share what you imagine or infact know of the subjects vocalisations we are eavesdropping in on.
The key is to be curious as if a child, discover the magic in the unknown and be curious as to what it might be. In this way, you acquire new knowledge without any burden of needing to have the answers.
Familiar New Sounds
There is something in the organic sounds we discover that is both new and familiar, there is something innately soothing and known that grounds you in the present moment creating a deep sense of awareness.
Deeper Lasting Memories
Develop a deeper understanding of the natural world and create lasting memories with this unique outdoor experience.
Are you ready to listen?
Book your Secret Sounds experience today
We aim to ensure an accessible experience for all. We ask you to share with us your specific needs, and we will work with you to enable the best possible experience and nature immersion